In the framework of the study of the simple and classical forms in pottery, I came naturally to read about the indigenous Brazilian pottery.

Indigenous art is something very common and is part of Brazilian culture, being one of the pillars of the country's culture. A culture that is the result of the mixing of several groups, among them the indigenous peoples - the original inhabitants of Brazil.
Currently, there are around 300 indigenous groups in Brazil, each with different habits and customs. However, there are several characteristics common to different tribes.
The unique design with common characteristics of all the tribes in the ceramic arts, the production of masks, the body paintings, the baskets and the farts are considered indigenous traditional art.
Almost everything the natives produce is made for a specific use. In the process of creation, the potters rarely refer to the artistic pan of the vessels, but to their practical use in everyday life. For them the idea of art in itself, in the sense of pure aesthetic beauty, does not exist.
But this does not mean that the Indians do not know what beauty is. Design objects, carvings, baskets, local ceramics, body ornaments, music, dance, in particular, serve definite functions or say specific things.
Indigenous local pottery

The art of fire - which comes from the Greek "kermos" and its meaning clay - clay vessels - were found in various archaeological excavations. The natives of Brazil made pottery long before the colonization period and the design of the vessels is often related to tribal traditions. But pottery does not exist in all tribes - the Shabnets tribe, for example, does not create ceramic vessels. The tribes that do make ceramic tools do not use stones and nevertheless manage to produce impressive works.
Pottery is produced mainly by women, who create tools as well as sculptures. To make them more beautiful, they often use painting with their own graphic patterns.
The pottery of the Maraguara people, whose name comes from the place of origin (the island of Maragua), are known abroad and were the first Brazilian ceramic art.
Ceramics from Marajoara
Pottery native to Marajoara is considered one of the most beautiful and sophisticated in the Americas. It is understood that his labyrinth-like and repetitive designs are an iconographic language that communicates the order of things and their traditions. The study of ceramics native to Marajoara indicates the production of temples associated with burial rites and has its own identity.
The production of local pottery is divided between vases for domestic use and ceremonial and funeral vases. Especially decorated were the ceremonial vases made of native ceramics, which presented in addition to the red and white colors that were more common due to the ease of finding these pigments in nature, designs made with engravings and in relief in addition to the abundant use of raw materials. Materials in nature.
Contemporary local ceramics
In some peoples, the tradition of indigenous pottery survives to this day. Native pottery is commonly used for food preparation and storage and their craftsmanship is impressive. On the island of Marajó, the Nuaruaques family have been producing local ceramics for over 1500 years, and are considered the most developed. Indigenous pottery decorated with precise geometric designs. Today you can see Marajoara ceramics in the Goeladi Museum, in Belem.