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Ceramic strainer

At the end of the 80's was the first time I was exposed to working with clay. I joined the ceramics class of the wonderful Talia Giladi from Beit Hillel, and learned how to work with the material, how to build pottery, how to attach handles and paint using engobes and glazes. Tools I built back then are scattered in my house and yard to this day. The basis that I learned from Matalia, is used by me in my work with clay, whether it is in handicrafts or with stones.

In 1990 my wedding took place and the lovely Talia brought us as a wedding gift a beautiful ceramic strainer which served us for many years and received exclamations of wonder from everyone who saw it.

Since I learned to work with stones, from time to time I tried to restore the sieve, but every time something happened and it didn't work. Until it is.

So I feel like a proud mother when I present my first ceramic strainer - in my eyes it is beautiful, but I take into account that I may not be very objective.

Ceramic strainer - up vision
Ceramic strainer - up vision

Ceramic strainer - side vision
Ceramic strainer - side vision

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